During my PhD, I strived to share my code and data to make our research reproducible; here are pointers to available code. You may also have a look at my public repos on github having mostly DIY projects involving Arduino and Raspberry Pi.
- The code for our paper “Temporal super-resolution microscopy using a hue-encoded shutter” is available on Idiap’s github page, including the data to reproduce the figures in the paper.
- With Thibaut and Emmanuel we did a pretty cool interactive avalanche visualisation project for an EPFL course. You can see it liveĀ here. The code is available on my github page. The heat-map corresponds to outings from the users of the website camptocamp that we scraped, and the icons as this one mean that there was a recorded avalanche. The colour of the icon gives the avalanche danger of that specific day (from 1 to 5, check out the slf website).
- If you are interested in interoperability between C++ and Python, check my blog article on PyBind out. I’ve set up a repository on github to share code more conveniently.
- A previous colleague of mine went crazy about the Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE) filter and wanted a C# version without any dependency to any library (for industrial licenses reasons), the repo is publicly available. Just be aware that it is a simple demo implementation with bad things such as absolute paths and would need serious work to use it on actual problems.
- The Fablab in Neuchatel needed help for an electronical/artistic project, see what it’s about here.
- I made a nice word clock for friends, all the instructions are here.